

Here at Vendi, we are all working toward a common goal: produce exceptional work for our clients. 我们紧密结合的营销团队, creatives 和 developers evaluate every project against an extensive rubric developed in-house. 事实上, 这张海报 骄傲地摆在我们每个人的桌子上. But how do we, as an agency, stay motivated to execute these goals consistently? It all stems from Vendi’s positive work 文化 和 shared values.


研究 by the Harvard Business Review states that a positive workplace 文化 boils down to a few key characteristics:

  • Caring for, being interested in 和 maintaining responsibility for colleagues as friends
  • 互相支持, including offering kindness 和 compassion when others are struggling
  • 避免指责,共同克服错误
  • 在工作中互相激励
  • 强调工作的意义
  • Treating one another with respect, gratitude, trust 和 integrity

这些特征都编织在Vendi的DNA中. My smooth transition into agency life wouldn’t have been possible without the helpful guidance, encouragement 和 attentiveness from agency leadership 和 our team as a whole. 在我在Vendi工作的这段时间里, 这要归功于我们的成长和尊重文化, 我学会了如何:

  • 自信地适应快节奏的代理环境
  • Communicate 和 collaborate efficiently with clients 和 agency team members
  • 与同事保持良好的关系

所有这些能力都是在快速运动中取得成功的关键, 不断变化的, 总是挑战日常的代理生活.

Three 十大网堵平台推荐 team members wearing eclipse glasses 和 viewing a solar eclipse from Vendi’s roof in 2017


As individuals, we are all motivated both intrinsically 和 extrinsically. 外在动机是奖励驱动的行为. 作为坚定的营销人员, we work with an extrinsically motivated mindset to meet deadlines 和 provide exceptional results to our clients. 内在动机, 然而, is completing a project because you receive personal enjoyment 和 satisfaction out of the work you are doing.

One of the many things that sets Vendi apart is that extra something we add to each of our projects that showcases our passion 和 love for 广告. It's kind of like when you order ice cream 和 they give you extra sprinkles without asking… amazing, 正确的? 我们提供额外的创造力, expertise 和 attentiveness to detail that are driven by our intrinsic motivation because we love 广告, 我们热爱创造,也热爱在Vendi工作.

This intrinsic motivation is directly related to the positive work 文化 Vendi works hard to maintain, which translates to many additional benefits such as increased productivity, employee engagement 和 performance—also mentioned by Harvard Business Review. 


多年来, Vendi has implemented numerous activities 和 traditions that allow our team to experience Vendi’s 文化 at its best:


The first Wednesday of each month our agency meets over the lunch hour (usually with tacos in tow) while one team member prepares an interactive discussion that relates to marketing, 广告, 文化, 在许多其他话题中, 作为我们团队合作的一种方式, 互相启发和学习一些有价值的东西.


The Vendi team gets together often for happy hours to mingle 和 strengthen our relationships outside of the office setting.

十大网堵平台推荐 team lunch trip to Rudy's Drive In in La Crosse


Vendi实施了政党规划委员会(PPC), a proud group of agency members dedicated to bringing extra excitement 和 enjoyment to our agency through planning various happy hours, 游戏之夜,生日和节日的庆祝活动.


In 2013, Vendi made a commitment to donate our services to the community through pro bono projects that have translated into long-term partnerships with various organizations such as 美国啤酒节, 大河联合总会自由荣誉飞行 举几个例子. 


If you want a visual of Vendi文化, just take a look at the masterpieces we call our 节日贺卡. A tradition here at Vendi is the creation of our company holiday card. Each person at the agency plays a role in the development of the card 和 the final product never fails to put smiles on our clients’ faces.


自2020年3月起, our agency has been tasked with adapting our 文化 和 activities to the current global p和emic. 尽管有这样的挑战, Vendi hasn’t let the unique situation stop us from keeping our 文化 和 teamwork strong.

Our agency has transitioned our usual activities to online formats via Zoom. We also implemented online morning check-in meetings to showcase creative work, 作为一个团队在新的更新和, 当然, 享受偶尔看到的婴儿或小狗. 尽管没有什么能比得上面对面的聚会, our fun Zoom activities have given us a sense of normalcy over the past few months.



Vendi’s positive work 文化 has given our team of expert marketers, 战略的作家, brainy developers 和 talented creatives the special ingredient to be top performers in our industry. To date we’ve won 79 national awards 和 we don’t plan on stopping there. 对我们的工作、客户和团队的热爱是根深蒂固的.



当涉及到运行有效的媒体活动时, we usually hear the same question: How can we get the strongest return on our budget?


十大网堵平台推荐 was named the Best 工作place in Wisconsin at the 2023 MARKETPLACE Governor’s 奖. The Governor’s 奖 recognize Wisconsin businesses owned by minorities, 妇女和伤残退伍军人, 以及他们的支持者.

Reach 和 relate to your largest audience by using inclusive language

包容性语言使用突出的单词和短语, 澄清和赞同不同的观点, 能力, 文化和背景. Inclusive language helps more people feel welcome, respected 和 important. 沟通专业人士寻求与, educate 和 inspire people must use inclusive language in everything they do.