

当一个企业建立了一个品牌, it’s the equivalent of putting a stake in the ground and saying this is who we are and this is what we stand for. It’s what differentiates Retail Company A from the Retail Company B down the street, 或者在全球范围内. 有很多方面有助于定义一个品牌. 例如,它是你所看到的——或者甚至 气味——当你走进你最喜欢的咖啡店或书店时. It’s how an employee greets you at a restaurant or gas station. It’s how you feel when you slip on your beloved sneakers or well-worn jacket.

这就是品牌. 这是经验.


当然,一个品牌的视觉元素是很重要的. It’s often on the frontline of customer perception and it communicates much at a glance. As consumers, we’re drawn to things that we think look good or in some way resonate with us. We may gravitate towards one product/store/service provider over another because of their look, which may influence our perception of them—and our anticipated experience—even before we use the product or enter the store.

我们“看到”的所有东西都有助于塑造一个品牌. 从店面开始, 转到网站, 去装你买的东西的袋子, 对员工制服的设计(例如, 参见2017年推出的 西南航空公司的新制服), each visual element should work in unison to further define the brand experience.

那么,你可能会问,这个标志应该放在哪里呢? The logo is the primary visual component of the brand identity. 虽然logo有时被用作品牌的同义词, 标识只是整体标识的一部分. 还有标语, 调色板, 字体样式, 照片处理, 消息传递和整体外观. 在Vendi, we’re well-versed in developing new or revamped brand identities for clients, as well as producing creative that lives within established brand standards. 的例子 Vendi的标志工作 在我们的网站上展示.

In the scheme of an overall brand identity, a logo may be small, but it’s mighty. 这个标志是为了用一个标记来象征一个品牌. It symbolizes your perceptions and experiences with that company. 如果你听到塔吉特的名字, 星巴克, 麦当劳, 靶心的图像, 绿色美人鱼和金色拱门也浮现在我的脑海中? 很有可能. It’s also likely that simply seeing certain logos elicits an emotional response. 也许是一种喜悦, because seeing that 星巴克 logo brings to mind sipping on a Frappuccino (yum) while chatting with a friend. Or maybe Target is your go-to shopping destination and that bullseye reminds you, “哦是的, 我需要牙膏.” Whatever the reaction is, it’s bigger than the wordmark itself.




What a brand says can be thought of in a few different ways. It can be their tagline (also: slogan, messaging, headlines, body copy, guarantee, etc.). It can also be, quite literally, what is verbally spoken to a customer (i.e. 客户服务). 让我们从标语开始. 就几句话, the purpose of a tagline is to convey information to a consumer about the company, 比如他们卖什么或者他们坚持的哲学. 举个例子,广告语是“舔手指很好”.” Even after Kentucky Fried Chicken shortened their name to the less descriptive KFC, you’d suspect from their tagline that they offered some sort of edible product—one that is so delicious you’ll be licking your fingers. 或者标语“你会得到很好的照顾。.” A comforting notion and one that sends the right message for Allstate Insurance.

Vendi客户工作中的一个例子是 恒星的中心. The tagline “Moving together” speaks to the mission of the organization, 向所有人提供卫生资源, 不管身体的限制. By providing adaptive equipment and therapeutic assistance, we can all live a healthier life.



Beyond the printed word, how employees interact with customers is also a reflection on the brand. 我们都听过这句话:“按剧本来。.这一理念也适用于客户服务. 在任何一家公司的员工入职培训期间, there’s likely training on how to greet and interact with customers, what catch phrases—if any—should be included in the dialog and a philosophy on how customers should be treated. 一个著名的 华特迪士尼乐园是客户服务的典范 & 度假村, a place where guests are greeted with smiles and they’re made to feel welcomed and valued. The Disney method of elevated customer service is so successful that they lead courses on it at the 迪斯尼研究所. When a company values its customers and it’s demonstrated through their customer service, 这是显而易见的. 而且它还能让这些顾客回头客.

品牌s may also live outside the scope of the goods and services they offer and align themselves with a certain political or social justice issue. One recent example of this is the movement generated by Toms Shoes founder Blake Mycoskie and his passionate 帮助结束枪支暴力的使命. 不管你站在政治路线的哪一边, it’s evident where Toms Shoes stands—their brand has a defined position.


也许自己都没有意识到, 我们倾向于在某些地方购物, use certain 产品 or wear certain clothing that we feel reflects who we are as a person—or reflects who we strive to be. 你是苹果还是安卓? 福特还是雪佛兰? 可口可乐或百事可乐? 为什么? Through all the branding efforts of any given company, it can often be distilled down to a feeling. All those things you “see” and all those things they “say” will influence how you feel, 你可能会开始认同这个品牌. “我是Mac用户.“我喜欢可乐。.”“我是福特的.“这是品牌忠诚度. 对于商业来说,这是黄金.

个人提示:我一直很喜欢 生活是美好的 产品. Seeing that little smiling Jake character just makes me happy inside. 他们古怪的设计, positive messages and charitable giving all make me feel good about aligning myself with their brand. 几年前,它就像“我喜欢这件衬衫.于是,我买了这件衬衫. 但现在我知道这不仅仅是一件衬衫. 它是一种信仰,一种存在方式. And perhaps I like it because their brand allows me to let out my inner hippie.

Good Vibes t恤设计生活是美好的 brand


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